
Model.estimate_step_size(local_error=1e-06, dz=1e-05, n=10, a_v=None, z=0, db=False)[source]#

Estimate the step size that yields the target local error.

This method uses the same adaptive step size algorithm as the main simulation. For a more accurate estimate, increase n to iteratively approach the optimal step size.

local_errorfloat, optional

The relative local error. The default is 1e-6.

dzfloat, optional

An initial guess for the optimal step size. The default is 10e-6.

nint, optional

The number of times the algorithm iteratively executes. The default is to iterate 10.

a_varray_like of complex, optional

The spectral amplitude of the pulse. The default is to use the spectral amplitude of the input pulse.

zfloat, optional

The z position in the mode. The default is 0.

dbbool, optional

Debugging flag which turns on printing of intermediate results.


The new step size.