Time and frequency grid utilities and other miscellaneous helper functions.
The submodules contain calculator-type functions for converting between physically relevant parameters related to the linear and nonlinear susceptibilities, as well as an efficient interface to fast Fourier transforms.
Conversion functions and other calculators relevant to the linear susceptibility. |
Conversion functions and other calculators relevant to the 2nd-order nonlinear susceptibility. |
Conversion functions and other calculators relevant to the 3rd-order nonlinear susceptibility. |
Aliases to fast FFT implementations and associated helper functions. |
Generate a root-power spectrum due to quantum vacuum fluctuations. |
Calculate a Taylor series expansion given the derivatives of a function about a point. |
Fourier shift. |
Resample frequency-domain data to the given number of points. |
Resample time-domain data to the given number of points. |
Complementary time- and frequency-domain grids for the representation of analytic functions with complex-valued envelopes. |