
Aliases to fast FFT implementations and associated helper functions.


fft(x[, fsc, n, axis, overwrite_x])

Use MKL to perform a 1D FFT of the input array along the given axis.

ifft(x[, fsc, n, axis, overwrite_x])

Use MKL to perform a 1D IFFT of the input array along the given axis.

rfft(x[, fsc, n, axis])

Use MKL to perform a 1D FFT of the real input array along the given axis.

irfft(x[, fsc, n, axis])

Use MKL to perform a 1D IFFT of the input array along the given axis.

fftshift(x[, axis])

Shift the origin from the beginning to the center of the array.

ifftshift(x[, axis])

Shift the origin from the center to the beginning of the array.