# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Models for simulating the propagation of light through optical media.
__all__ = ["Model", "NLSE", "UPE"]
# %% Imports
import collections
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import c, pi
from numba import njit
from pynlo.light import Pulse
from pynlo.medium import Mode
from pynlo.utility import fft
# %% Collections
SimulationResult = collections.namedtuple("SimulationResult", ["pulse", "z", "a_t", "a_v"])
# %% Routines
def linear_operator(k, dz):
"""JIT-compiled exponential function."""
return np.exp(-1j*dz * k)
def l2_error(a_RK4, a_RK3):
"""JIT-compiled l2 norm error."""
l2_norm = np.sum(np.real(a_RK4)**2 + np.imag(a_RK4)**2)**0.5
rel_error = (a_RK4 - a_RK3)/l2_norm
return np.sum(np.real(rel_error)**2 + np.imag(rel_error)**2)**0.5
def fdd(f, dx, idx):
"""JIT-compiled 2nd-order finite difference derivative."""
#---- Right Bound
if idx==f.size-1:
# Derivative on the right-most edge
return (3*f[idx] - 4*f[idx-1] + f[idx-2])/(2*dx)
#---- Left Bound
if idx==0:
# Derivative on the left-most edge
return (-3*f[idx] + 4*f[idx+1] - f[idx+2])/(2*dx)
#---- Central
return (f[idx+1] - f[idx-1])/(2*dx)
def prod(a, b):
"""JIT-compiled product. Useful for speeding up complex multiplications."""
return a * b
def abs2(a):
"""JIT-compiled squared absolute value."""
return a.real**2 + a.imag**2
def rk1(a, k, dz):
"""JIT-compiled 1st-order Runge-Kutta."""
return a + dz*k
def rk3(b, k4, k5, dz):
"""JIT-compiled 3rd-order Runge-Kutta."""
return b + dz/30.0 * (2.0*k4 + 3.0*k5)
def rk4(ai, ki1, ki2, ki3, k4, ip, dz):
"""JIT-compiled 4th-order Runge-Kutta."""
bi = ai + dz/6.0 * (ki1 + 2.0*(ki2 + ki3))
b = ip * bi # out of interaction picture
rk4 = b + dz/6.0 * k4
return rk4, b
# %% Single-Mode Models
class Model():
A model for simulating single-mode pulse propagation.
This model only implements linear effects.
pulse : :py:class:`~pynlo.light.Pulse`
The input pulse.
mode : :py:class:`~pynlo.medium.Mode`
The optical mode in which the pulse propagates.
See Also
NLSE : A model that implements the 3rd-order Kerr and Raman effects.
UPE : A model that implements both 2nd- and 3rd-order nonlinearities.
def __init__(self, pulse, mode):
#---- Pulse Parameters
assert isinstance(pulse, Pulse)
self.pulse = pulse.copy()
#---- Mode Parameters
assert isinstance(mode, Mode)
self.mode = mode.copy()
#---- Grids
assert (pulse.v_grid == mode.v_grid).all(), (
"The pulse and mode must be defined over the same frequency grid.")
# Frequency Grids
self.n_points = self.pulse.n
self.v_grid = self.pulse.v_grid
self.w_grid = 2*pi*self.v_grid
self.dw = 2*pi*self.pulse.dv
# Time Grid
self.t_grid = self.pulse.t_grid
self.dt = self.pulse.dt
# Wavelength Grid
self.l_grid = c/self.v_grid
self.dv_dl = self.v_grid**2/c # power density conversion factor
#---- Implementation Details
# Define Operators
self._linear_operator = self.linear_operator
self._nonlinear_operator = self.nonlinear_operator
# Initialize Mode Parameters
def estimate_step_size(self, local_error=1e-6, dz=10e-6, n=10, a_v=None, z=0, db=False):
Estimate the step size that yields the target local error.
This method uses the same adaptive step size algorithm as the main
simulation. For a more accurate estimate, increase `n` to iteratively
approach the optimal step size.
local_error : float, optional
The relative local error. The default is 1e-6.
dz : float, optional
An initial guess for the optimal step size. The default is 10e-6.
n : int, optional
The number of times the algorithm iteratively executes. The default
is to iterate 10.
a_v : array_like of complex, optional
The spectral amplitude of the pulse. The default is to use the
spectral amplitude of the input pulse.
z : float, optional
The z position in the mode. The default is 0.
db : bool, optional
Debugging flag which turns on printing of intermediate results.
dz : float
The new step size.
if a_v is None:
a_v = self.pulse.a_v
for _ in range(n):
#---- Integrate by dz
a_RK4_v, a_RK3_v, _ = self.step(a_v, z, dz)
#---- Estimate the Relative Local Error
est_error = l2_error(a_RK4_v, a_RK3_v)
error_ratio = (est_error/local_error)**0.25
if db: print("dz={:.3g},\t error={:.3g}".format(dz, est_error))
#---- Update Step Size
dz = dz/min(2, max(error_ratio, 0.5))
return dz
def simulate(self, z_grid, dz=None, local_error=1e-6, n_records=None, plot=None):
Simulate propagation of the input pulse through the optical mode.
z_grid : float or array_like of floats
The total propagation distance over which to simulate, or the z
positions at which to solve for the pulse spectrum. An adaptive
step-size algorithm is used to propagate between these points. If
only the end point is given the starting point is assumed to be the
dz : float, optional
The initial step size. If ``None``, one will be estimated.
local_error : float, optional
The target relative local error for the adaptive step size
algorithm. The default is 1e-6.
n_records : None or int, optional
The number of simulation points to return. If set, the z positions
will be linearly spaced between the first and last points of
`z_grid`. If ``None``, the default is to return all points as
defined in `z_grid`. The record always includes the starting and
ending points.
plot : None or string, optional
A flag that activates real-time visualization of the simulation.
The options are ``"time"``, ``"frq"``, or ``"wvl"``, corresponding
to the time, frequency, and wavelength domains. If set, the plot is
updated each time the simulation reaches one of the z positions
returned at the output. If ``None``, the simulation is run without
real-time plotting.
pulse : :py:class:`~pynlo.light.Pulse`
The output pulse. This object can be used as the input to another
z : ndarray of float
The z positions at which the pulse spectrum (`a_v`) and complex
envelope (`a_t`) have been returned.
a_t : ndarray of complex
The root-power complex envelope of the pulse at each z position.
a_v : ndarray of complex
The root-power spectrum of the pulse at each z position.
#---- Z Grid
z_grid = np.asarray(z_grid, dtype=float)
if z_grid.size==1:
# Since only the end point was given, the start point is the origin
z_grid = np.append(0.0, z_grid)
assert all(np.diff(z_grid) > 0), "z_grid must be monotonically increasing."
if n_records is None:
n_records = z_grid.size
z_record = z_grid
assert (n_records >= 2), "The output must include atleast 2 points."
z_record = np.linspace(z_grid.min(), z_grid.max(), n_records)
z_grid = np.unique(np.append(z_grid, z_record))
z_idx = {z:idx for idx, z in enumerate(z_record)}
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.pol: # support subclasses with poling
# always simulate up to the edge of a poled domain
z_grid = np.unique(np.append(z_grid, list(self.mode.g2_inv)))
#---- Setup
z = z_grid[0]
pulse_out = self.pulse.copy()
# Frequency Domain
a_v = np.empty((n_records, pulse_out.n), dtype=complex)
a_v[0,:] = pulse_out.a_v
# Time Domain
a_t = np.empty((n_records, pulse_out.n), dtype=complex)
a_t[0,:] = pulse_out.a_t
# Step Size
if dz is None:
dz = self.estimate_step_size(pulse_out.a_v, z, local_error)
print("Initial Step Size:\t{:.3g}m".format(dz))
# Plotting
if plot is not None:
assert (plot in ["time","frq","wvl"]), f"'{plot=}' is unrecognized"
# Setup Plots
self._setup_plots(plot, pulse_out, z_record)
#---- Propagate
k5_v = None
cont = False
for z_stop in z_grid[1:]:
# Step
(pulse_out.a_v, z, dz, k5_v, cont) = self.propagate(
z, z_stop, dz,
# Record
if z in z_idx:
idx = z_idx[z]
a_t[idx,:] = pulse_out.a_t
a_v[idx,:] = pulse_out.a_v
# Plot
if plot is not None:
# Advance Animation
self._advance_plots(plot, pulse_out, z)
if z==z_grid[-1]:
# End Animation
self._finish_plots(plot, pulse_out, a_v, z_idx)
sim_res = SimulationResult(
pulse=pulse_out, z=z_record, a_t=a_t, a_v=a_v)
return sim_res
def propagate(self, a_v, z, z_stop, dz, local_error, k5_v=None, cont=False):
Propagate the given pulse spectrum from `z` to `z_stop` using an
adaptive step size algorithm.
The step size algorithm utilizes an embedded Runge–Kutta scheme with
orders 3 and 4 (ERK4(3)-IP) [1]_.
a_v : ndarray of complex
The root-power spectrum of the pulse.
z : float
The starting point.
z_stop : float
The stopping point.
dz : float
The initial step size.
local_error : float
The relative local error of the adaptive step size algorithm.
k5_v : ndarray of complex, optional
The action of the nonlinear operator on the solution from the
preceding step. The default is ``None``.
cont : bool, optional
A flag that indicates the current step is continuous with the
previous, i.e. that it begins where the other ended. The default is
a_v : ndarray of complex
The root-power spectrum of the pulse.
z : float
The z position in the mode.
dz : float
The step size.
k5_v : ndarray of complex
The nonlinear action of the 4th-order result.
cont : bool
A flag indicating that the next step may be continuous.
.. [1] S. Balac and F. Mahé, "Embedded Runge–Kutta scheme for
step-size control in the interaction picture method," Computer
Physics Communications, Volume 184, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 1211-1219
while z < z_stop:
z_next = z + dz
if z_next >= z_stop:
final_step = True
z_next = z_stop
dz_adaptive = dz # save value of last step size
dz = z_next - z # force smaller step size to hit z_stop
final_step = False
#---- Integrate by dz
a_RK4_v, a_RK3_v, k5_v_next = self.step(a_v, z, z_next, k5_v=k5_v, cont=cont)
#---- Estimate Relative Local Error
est_error = l2_error(a_RK4_v, a_RK3_v)
error_ratio = (est_error/local_error)**0.25
#---- Propagate Solution
if error_ratio > 2:
# Reject this step and calculate with a smaller dz
dz = dz/2
cont = False
# Update parameters for the next loop
z = z_next
a_v = a_RK4_v
k5_v = k5_v_next
if (not final_step) or (error_ratio > 1):
dz = dz / max(error_ratio, 0.5)
dz = dz_adaptive # if final step, use adaptive step size
cont = True
return a_v, z, dz, k5_v, cont
def step(self, a_v, z, z_next, k5_v=None, cont=False):
Advance the given pulse spectrum from `z` to `z_next`.
This method is based on the 4th-order interaction picture Runge-Kutta
scheme (ERK4(3)-IP) from Balac and Mahé [1]_.
a_v : ndarray of complex
The root-power spectrum of the pulse.
z : float
The starting point.
z_next : float
The next point.
k5_v : ndarray of complex, optional
The action of the nonlinear operator on the solution from the
preceding step. When included, it allows advancing the pulse with
one less call to the nonlinear operator. The default is ``None``.
cont : bool, optional
A flag that indicates the current step is continuous with the
previous, i.e. that it begins where the other ended. If ``False``,
the linear and nonlinear parameters will be updated before the
first calls to the linear and nonlinear operators. If ``True``,
previously calculated values will be used. The default is
a_RK4_v : ndarray of complex
The 4th-order result.
a_RK3_v : ndarray of complex
The 3rd-order result.
k5_v : ndarray of complex
The nonlinear action of the 4th-order result.
.. [1] S. Balac and F. Mahé, "Embedded Runge–Kutta scheme for
step-size control in the interaction picture method," Computer
Physics Communications, Volume 184, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 1211-1219
dz = z_next - z
#---- k1
if self.mode.z_mode and not cont:
self.mode.z = z
if self.mode.z_linear.any: self.update_linearity()
ip_v = self._linear_operator(0.5*dz)
if k5_v is None:
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.any and not cont: self.update_nonlinearity()
k5_v = self._nonlinear_operator(a_v)
ai_v = ip_v * a_v # into interaction picture
ki1_v = ip_v * k5_v # into interaction picture
#---- k2 and k3
if self.mode.z_mode:
self.mode.z = 0.5*(z + z_next)
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.any: self.update_nonlinearity()
ai2_v = rk1(ai_v, ki1_v, 0.5*dz)
ki2_v = self._nonlinear_operator(ai2_v)
ai3_v = rk1(ai_v, ki2_v, 0.5*dz)
ki3_v = self._nonlinear_operator(ai3_v)
#---- k4
if self.mode.z_mode:
self.mode.z = z_next
if self.mode.z_linear.any:
ip_v = self._linear_operator(0.5*dz)
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.any: self.update_nonlinearity()
ai4_v = rk1(ai_v, ki3_v, dz)
a4_v = ip_v * ai4_v # out of interaction picture
k4_v = self._nonlinear_operator(a4_v)
#---- RK4
a_RK4_v, b_v = rk4(ai_v, ki1_v, ki2_v, ki3_v, k4_v, ip_v, dz)
#---- k5
k5_v = self._nonlinear_operator(a_RK4_v)
#---- RK3
a_RK3_v = rk3(b_v, k4_v, k5_v, dz)
return a_RK4_v, a_RK3_v, k5_v
#---- Operators
def linear_operator(self, dz):
The action of the linear operator integrated over the given step size.
dz : float
The step size.
ndarray of complex
# Linear Operator
return linear_operator(self.kappa_cm, dz)
def nonlinear_operator(self, a_v):
The action of the nonlinear operator on the given pulse spectrum.
This model does not implement any nonlinear effects.
a_v : array_like of complex
The root-power spectrum of the pulse.
ndarray of complex
See Also
NLSE.nonlinear_operator :
Implementation of the 3rd-order Kerr and Raman effects.
UPE.nonlinear_operator :
Implementation of both 2nd- and 3rd-order nonlinearities
return 0.0j
#---- Z-Dependency
def update_linearity(self, force_update=False):
Update all z-dependent linear parameters.
force_update : bool, optional
Force an update of all linear parameters. The default will only
update those that are z dependent.
#---- Gain
if self.mode.z_linear.alpha or force_update:
self.alpha = self.mode.alpha
#---- Phase
if self.mode.z_linear.beta or force_update:
self.beta = self.mode.beta
beta1_v0 = fdd(self.beta, self.dw, self.pulse.v0_idx)
# Beta in comoving frame
self.beta_cm = self.beta - beta1_v0*self.w_grid
#---- Propagation Constant
if self.alpha is None:
self.kappa_cm = self.beta_cm
self.kappa_cm = self.beta_cm + 0.5j*self.alpha
def update_nonlinearity(self, force_update=False):
Update all z-dependent nonlinear parameters.
force_update : bool, optional
Force an update of all nonlinear parameters. The default will only
update those that are z dependent.
if self.mode.g2 is not None:
warnings.warn("2nd-order nonlinearity is not implemented in this model", stacklevel=2)
if self.mode.g3 is not None:
warnings.warn("3rd-order nonlinearity is not implemented in this model", stacklevel=2)
def update_poling(self, force_update=False):
Update the poled sign of the 2nd-order nonlinearity.
force_update : bool, optional
Force an update of the poling. The default will only update if the
z position is at a domain inversion.
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.pol:
warnings.warn("Poling is not implemented in this model", stacklevel=2)
#---- Plotting
def _setup_plots(self, plot, pulse, z_grid):
Initialize a figure for real-time visualization.
plot : string
The plot type. The options are "time", "frq", or "wvl" and
correspond to the time, frequency, and wavelength domains.
pulse : :py:class:`~pynlo.light.Pulse`
The initial pulse.
z_grid : array_like
The simulated z positions.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, widgets
self._artists = []
#---- Figure and Axes
self._fig = fig = plt.figure("Real-Time Simulation", clear=True)
assert fig.canvas.supports_blit==True, (
"The configured matplotlib backend must support blit.")
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=ax0)
#---- Time Domain
if plot=="time":
# Lines
power, = ax0.semilogy(
phase, = ax1.plot(
# Labels
ax0.set_title("Instantaneous Power")
ax0.set_xlabel("Delay (ps)")
ax1.set_title("Instantaneous Frequency")
ax1.set_xlabel("Delay (ps)")
# Y Boundaries
margin = 0.05*(self.v_grid.max()-self.v_grid.min())
top=1e-12*(self.v_grid.max() + margin),
bottom=1e-12*(self.v_grid.min() - margin))
#---- Frequency Domain
if plot=="frq":
# Lines
power, = ax0.semilogy(
1e12 * pulse.p_v,
phase, = ax1.plot(
# Labels
ax0.set_title("Power Spectrum")
ax0.set_ylabel("J / THz")
ax0.set_xlabel("Frequency (THz)")
ax1.set_title("Group Delay")
ax1.set_xlabel("Frequency (THz)")
# Y Boundaries
margin = 0.05*(self.t_grid.max()-self.t_grid.min())
top=1e12*(self.t_grid.max() + margin),
bottom=1e12*(self.t_grid.min() - margin))
#---- Wavelength Domain
if plot=="wvl":
# Lines
power, = ax0.semilogy(
1e-9*self.dv_dl * pulse.p_v,
phase, = ax1.plot(
# Labels
ax0.set_title("Power Spectrum")
ax0.set_ylabel("J / nm")
ax0.set_xlabel("Wavelength (nm)")
ax1.set_title("Group Delay")
ax1.set_xlabel("Wavelength (nm)")
# Y Boundaries
margin = 0.05*(self.t_grid.max()-self.t_grid.min())
top=1e12*(self.t_grid.max() + margin),
bottom=1e12*(self.t_grid.min() - margin))
self._lines = (power, phase)
#---- Layout
#---- Z
axs = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.03, 0.66, 0.03])
self._slider = z = widgets.Slider(
axs, "z", min(z_grid), max(z_grid), valstep=z_grid,
initcolor="none", valfmt="%11.3e m")
z.drawon = z.eventson = False
self._artists.extend((z.poly, z._handle, z.valtext))
#---- Blit Prep
for artist in self._artists:
self._bkg = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(fig.bbox)
def _update_plots(self, plot, pulse):
Update the plot with new data.
plot : string
The plot type. The options are "time", "frq", or "wvl" and
correspond to the time, frequency, and wavelength domains.
pulse : :py:class:`~pynlo.light.Pulse`
The new pulse.
#---- Time Domain
if plot=="time":
#---- Frequency Domain
if plot=="frq":
#---- Wavelength Domain
if plot=="wvl":
self._lines[0].set_ydata(1e-9*self.dv_dl * pulse.p_v)
def _advance_plots(self, plot, pulse, z):
Draw the latest simulation results.
plot : string
The plot type. The options are "time", "frq", or "wvl" and
correspond to the time, frequency, and wavelength domains.
pulse : :py:class:`~pynlo.light.Pulse`
The new pulse.
z : float
The z position in the mode.
#---- Restore Background
#---- Update Data
self._update_plots(plot, pulse)
#---- Update Z
#---- Blit
for artist in self._artists:
def _finish_plots(self, plot, pulse, a_v, z_idx):
Prepare the figure for user interaction.
plot : string
The plot type. The options are "time", "frq", or "wvl" and
correspond to the time, frequency, and wavelength domains.
pulse : :py:class:`~pynlo.light.Pulse`
The output pulse.
a_v : array_like
The simulated spectra.
z_idx : dict
The simulated z positions.
# Remove Animation Logic
for artist in self._artists:
# Enable Slider
pulse = pulse.copy()
def update(z):
idx = z_idx[z]
pulse.a_v = a_v[idx]
self._update_plots(plot, pulse)
self._slider.drawon = self._slider.eventson = True
class NLSE(Model):
A model for simulating single-mode pulse propagation with the nonlinear
Schrödinger equation (NLSE).
This model only implements the 3rd-order Kerr and Raman effects. It does
not in general support 3rd-order sum- and difference-frequency generation.
pulse : :py:class:`~pynlo.light.Pulse`
The input pulse.
mode : :py:class:`~pynlo.medium.Mode`
The optical mode in which the pulse propagates.
See Also
Model :
Documentation of :py:meth:`~pynlo.model.Model.simulate` and other
inherited methods.
def __init__(self, pulse, mode):
super().__init__(pulse, mode)
if mode.rv_grid is not None:
assert (mode.rv_grid.size == pulse.rtf_grids(alias=0).v_grid.size), (
"The pulse and mode must be defined over the same frequency grid")
#---- Implementation Details
self._linear_operator = self._linear_operator_fft_order
self._nonlinear_operator = self._nonlinear_operator_fft_order
def propagate(self, a_v, z, z_stop, dz, local_error, k5_v=None, cont=False):
#---- Standard FFT Order
a_v = fft.ifftshift(a_v)
#---- Propagate
a_v, z, dz, k5_v, cont = super().propagate(
a_v, z, z_stop, dz, local_error, k5_v=k5_v, cont=cont)
#---- Monotonic Order
a_v = fft.fftshift(a_v)
return a_v, z, dz, k5_v, cont
#---- Operators
def _linear_operator_fft_order(self, dz):
The action of the linear operator integrated over the given step size,
arranged in standard fft order.
dz : float
The step size.
ndarray of complex
return linear_operator(self._kappa_cm, dz)
def _nonlinear_operator_fft_order(self, a_v):
The action of the nonlinear operator on the given pulse spectrum,
arranged in standard fft order.
This model implements the 3rd-order Kerr and Raman effects.
a_v : array_like of complex
The root-power spectrum of the pulse, in standard fft order.
ndarray of complex
#---- Setup
a_t = fft.ifft(a_v, fsc=self.dt)
a2_t = abs2(a_t)
#---- Raman
if self.r3 is not None:
a2_rv = fft.rfft(a2_t, fsc=self.dt)
a2r_rv = prod(self.r3, a2_rv)
a2_t = fft.irfft(a2r_rv, fsc=self.dt, n=self.n_points)
#---- Kerr
a3_t = prod(a_t, a2_t)
a3_v = fft.fft(a3_t, fsc=self.dt)
return prod(self._1j_gamma, a3_v) # minus sign included in _1j_gamma
def nonlinear_operator(self, a_v):
The action of the nonlinear operator on the given pulse spectrum.
This model only implements the 3rd-order Kerr and Raman effects. It
does not in general support 3rd-order sum- and difference-frequency
a_v : array_like of complex
The root-power spectrum of the pulse.
ndarray of complex
#---- Standard FFT Order
_a_v = fft.ifftshift(a_v)
#---- Nonlinear Operator
_nl_a_v = self._nonlinear_operator_fft_order(_a_v)
#---- Monotonic Order
return fft.fftshift(_nl_a_v)
#---- Z-Dependency
def update_linearity(self, force_update=False):
self._kappa_cm = fft.ifftshift(self.kappa_cm)
def update_nonlinearity(self, force_update=False):
if self.mode.g2 is not None:
warnings.warn("2nd-order nonlinearity is not implemented in this model", stacklevel=2)
#---- Gamma
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.g3 or force_update:
self.gamma = self.mode.gamma
self._1j_gamma = fft.ifftshift(-1j * self.gamma)
#---- Raman
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.r3 or force_update:
self.r3 = self.mode.r3
class UPE(Model):
A model for simulating single-mode pulse propagation with the
unidirectional propagation equation (UPE).
This model simultaneously implements both 2nd- and 3rd-order
pulse : :py:class:`~pynlo.light.Pulse`
The input pulse.
mode : :py:class:`~pynlo.medium.Mode`
The optical mode in which the pulse propagates.
See Also
Model :
Documentation of :py:meth:`~pynlo.model.Model.simulate` and other
inherited methods.
Multiplication of functions in the time domain, an operation intrinsic to
nonlinear interactions, is equivalent to convolution in the frequency
domain. The support of a convolution is the sum of the support of its
parts. In general, 2nd- and 3rd-order processes in the time domain need 2x
and 3x the number of points in the frequency domain to avoid aliasing.
By default, `Pulse` objects only initialize the minimum number of points
necessary to represent the real-valued time-domain pulse (i.e., 1x). While
this minimizes the numerical complexity of individual nonlinear operations,
aliasing can introduce systematic error. More points can be generated for a
specific `Pulse` object during initialization, or through its
:py:meth:`~pynlo.utility.TFGrid.rtf_grids` method, by setting the `alias`
parameter greater than 1. Anti-aliasing is not always necessary as phase
matching can suppress the aliased interactions, but it is best practice to
verify such behavior on a case-by-case basis.
def __init__(self, pulse, mode):
super().__init__(pulse, mode)
if mode.rv_grid is not None:
assert (pulse.rv_grid.size == mode.rv_grid.size), (
"The pulse and mode must be defined over the same frequency grid")
#---- Implementation Details
# Frequency Grid
self._1j_w_grid = 1j * self.w_grid
# Real-Valued Time Domain Grid
self.rn_points = self.pulse.rn
self.rdt = self.pulse.rdt
# Carrier-Resolved Slice
self.rn_slice = self.pulse.rn_slice
# Initialize Arrays
self._0_v = np.zeros_like(self.pulse.v_grid, dtype=complex)
self._nl_v = np.zeros_like(self.pulse.v_grid, dtype=complex)
self._a_rv = np.zeros_like(self.pulse.rv_grid, dtype=complex)
self._0_rt = np.zeros_like(self.pulse.rt_grid, dtype=float)
self._a2_rt = np.zeros_like(self.pulse.rt_grid, dtype=float)
self._a3_rt = np.zeros_like(self.pulse.rt_grid, dtype=float)
def propagate(self, a_v, z, z_stop, dz, local_error, k5_v=None, cont=False):
#---- Update Poling
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.pol:
if not cont: self.mode.z = z
if self.mode.z in self.mode.g2_inv:
k5_v = None # reset k5_v, 2nd-order nonlinearity changed sign
#---- Propagate
return super().propagate(a_v, z, z_stop, dz, local_error, k5_v=k5_v, cont=cont)
#---- Operators
def nonlinear_operator(self, a_v):
The action of the nonlinear operator on the given pulse spectrum.
This model implements the Kerr and Raman effects, as well as 2nd- and
3rd-order sum- and difference-frequency generation.
a_v : array_like of complex
The root-power spectrum of the pulse.
ndarray of complex
#---- Setup
self._nl_v[...] = self._0_v # zero
self._a_rv[self.rn_slice] = a_v
a_rt = fft.irfft(self._a_rv, fsc=self.rdt * 2**0.5, n=self.rn_points) # 1/2**0.5 for analytic to real
a2_rt = a_rt * a_rt
#---- 2nd-Order Nonlinearity
if self.g2 is not None:
a2_rv = fft.rfft(a2_rt, fsc=self.rdt * 2**0.5) # 2**0.5 for real to analytic
if self.g2_pol: # poled
self._nl_v += prod(self.g2, a2_rv[self.rn_slice])
else: # not poled
self._nl_v -= prod(self.g2, a2_rv[self.rn_slice])
#---- 3rd-Order Nonlinearity
if self.g3 is not None:
# Raman
if self.r3 is not None:
a2_rv = (fft.rfft(a2_rt, fsc=self.rdt) if self.g2 is None
else a2_rv * 2**-0.5) # 1/2**0.5 for analytic to real
a2r_rv = prod(self.r3, a2_rv)
a2_rt = fft.irfft(a2r_rv, fsc=self.rdt, n=self.rn_points)
# Kerr
a3_rt = a_rt * a2_rt
a3_rv = fft.rfft(a3_rt, fsc=self.rdt * 2**0.5) # 2**0.5 for real to analytic
self._nl_v -= prod(self.g3, a3_rv[self.rn_slice])
#---- Nonlinear Response
return prod(self._1j_w_grid, self._nl_v) # minus sign included in _nl_v
def nonlinear_operator_separable(self, a_v):
The action of the nonlinear operator on the given pulse spectrum. This
operator is active when the nonlinear parameters have been input in
separable form.
This model implements the Kerr and Raman effects, as well as 2nd- and
3rd-order sum- and difference-frequency generation.
a_v : array_like of complex
The root-power spectrum of the pulse.
ndarray of complex
Chromatic variations of the nonlinearity, present in the full 2nd- and
3rd-rank form of the nonlinear parameters, can be incorporated into the
propagation model by decomposing the tensors into separable form:
.. math:: g^{(2)}[\\nu_1, \\nu_2] &= h^{(2)}\\!\\left[\\nu\\right]
\\sum_n \\eta_n^{(2)}[\\nu_1] \\, \\eta_n^{(2)}[\\nu_2] \\\\
g^{(3)}[\\nu_1, \\nu_2, \\nu_3] &= h^{(3)}[\\nu] \\sum_n
\\eta_n^{(3)}[\\nu_1] \\, \\eta_n^{(3)}[\\nu_2] \\,
where the outer and inner terms (:math:`h` and :math:`\\eta`) depend on
the output and input frequencies respectively.
To use this operator the nonlinear parameters must be input as `(m, n)`
arrays, where `m` is the number of inner and outer terms and `n` is the
number of points. The first index is interpreted as the outer term
while all others are interpreted as inner terms. A simplified
decomposition may be generated using the
:py:func:`~pynlo.utility.chi2.g2_split` and
:py:func:`~pynlo.utility.chi3.g3_split` functions.
#---- Setup
self._nl_v[...] = self._0_v # zero
#---- 2nd-Order Nonlinearity
if self.g2 is not None:
self._a2_rt[...] = self._0_rt # zero
for g2_internal in self.g2[1:]:
self._a_rv[self.rn_slice] = prod(a_v, g2_internal)
a_rt = fft.irfft(self._a_rv, fsc=self.rdt * 2**0.5, n=self.rn_points) # 1/2**0.5 for analytic to real
self._a2_rt += a_rt * a_rt
a2_rv = fft.rfft(self._a2_rt, fsc=self.rdt * 2**0.5) # 2**0.5 for real to analytic
if self.g2_pol: # poled
self._nl_v += prod(self.g2[0], a2_rv[self.rn_slice])
else: # not poled
self._nl_v -= prod(self.g2[0], a2_rv[self.rn_slice])
#---- 3rd-Order Nonlinearity
if self.g3 is not None:
self._a3_rt[...] = self._0_rt # zero
for g3_internal in self.g3[1:]:
self._a_rv[self.rn_slice] = prod(a_v, g3_internal)
a_rt = fft.irfft(self._a_rv, fsc=self.rdt * 2**0.5, n=self.rn_points) # 1/2**0.5 for analytic to real
a2_rt = a_rt * a_rt
if self.r3 is not None:
a2_rv = fft.rfft(a2_rt, fsc=self.rdt)
a2r_rv = prod(self.r3, a2_rv)
a2_rt = fft.irfft(a2r_rv, fsc=self.rdt, n=self.rn_points)
self._a3_rt += a_rt * a2_rt
a3_rv = fft.rfft(self._a3_rt, fsc=self.rdt * 2**0.5) # 2**0.5 for real to analytic
self._nl_v -= prod(self.g3[0], a3_rv[self.rn_slice])
#---- Nonlinear Response
return prod(self._1j_w_grid, self._nl_v) # minus sign included in _nl_v
#---- Z-Dependency
def update_nonlinearity(self, force_update=False):
#---- 2nd Order
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.g2 or force_update:
self.g2 = self.mode.g2
self._g2_dim = len(self.g2.shape) if self.g2 is not None else 0
#---- 3rd Order
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.g3 or force_update:
self.g3 = self.mode.g3
self._g3_dim = len(self.g3.shape) if self.g3 is not None else 0
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.r3 or force_update:
self.r3 = self.mode.r3
#---- Select Nonlinear Operator
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.g2 or self.mode.z_nonlinear.g3 or force_update:
# Separable 2nd- and 3rd-order terms
if (self._g2_dim > 1):
if self.g3 is not None and (self._g3_dim < 2):
self.g3 = [self.g3, complex(1.0)]
self._g3_dim = 2
self._nonlinear_operator = self.nonlinear_operator_separable
elif (self._g3_dim > 1):
if self.g2 is not None:
self.g2 = [self.g2, complex(1.0)]
self._g2_dim = 2
self._nonlinear_operator = self.nonlinear_operator_separable
# Standard nonlinear terms
self._nonlinear_operator = self.nonlinear_operator
def update_poling(self, force_update=False):
if self.mode.z_nonlinear.pol or force_update:
self.g2_pol = self.mode.g2_inv[self.mode.z]
except (KeyError, TypeError):
if force_update: self.g2_pol = self.mode.g2_pol
# %% Multi-Mode Models
# class MultiModel():
# def __init__(pulses, modes, couplings):
# pass # reserved for multimode simulations