# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Conversion functions and other calculators relevant to the 2nd-order nonlinear
__all__ = ["g2_split", "g2_shg", "domain_inversions"]
# %% Imports
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import pi, c, epsilon_0 as e0
# %% Converters
#---- 2nd-Order Nonlinear Susceptibilities chi2 and d
def d_to_chi2(d):
return d * 2
def chi2_to_d(chi2):
return chi2 / 2
#---- Poling Period and Wavenumber Mismatch
def dk_to_period(dk):
return 2*pi/dk
def period_to_dk(period):
return 2*pi/period
# %% Nonlinearity
def g2_split(n_eff, a_eff, chi2_eff):
The 2nd-order nonlinear parameter decomposed according to unit analysis.
n_eff : array_like of float
The refractive indices.
a_eff : array_like of float
The effective areas.
chi2_eff : array_like
The effective 2nd-order susceptibilities.
ndarray (2, n)
The unit decomposition of the 2nd-order nonlinear parameter. The first
index contains the output factors while the second index contains the
input factors.
return np.array([1/2 * ((e0*a_eff)/(c*n_eff))**0.5 * chi2_eff,
def g2_path(n_eff, a_eff, chi2_eff, paths):
The 2nd-order nonlinear parameter weighted for the given nonlinear
n_eff : array_like of float
The effective refractive indices.
a_eff : array_like of float
The effective areas.
chi2_eff : array_like
The effective 2nd-order susceptibilities.
paths : list
Pairs of indices for each output frequency that correspond to the
input frequencies of the input paths. If no valid path exists for a
particular output frequency its input indices should be given as
``[None, None]``.
g2 : ndarray
See Also
dominant_paths : Determine the dominant paths based on phase mismatch.
g2s = g2_split(n_eff, a_eff, chi2_eff)
assert g2s.size != len(paths), "The number of paths must equal the number of frequencies."
g2_p = []
for idx, path in enumerate(paths):
if None in path:
g2 = np.mean([g2s[0, idx] * g2s[1, cpl[0]]*g2s[1, cpl[0]] for cpl in path])
return np.arary(g2_p)
def g2_shg(v0, v_grid, n_eff, a_eff, chi2_eff):
The 2nd-order nonlinear parameter weighted for second harmonic generation
centered around the given input frequency.
v0 : float
The target fundamental frequency to be doubled.
v_grid : array_like of float
The frequency grid.
n_eff : array_like of float
The effective refractive indices.
a_eff : array_like of float
The effective areas.
chi2_eff : array_like
The effective 2nd-order susceptibilities.
g2 : ndarray
g2_out, g2_in = g2_split(n_eff, a_eff, chi2_eff)
v1_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(v_grid - v0))
v2_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(v_grid - 2*v0))
vc_idx = (v1_idx + v2_idx)//2 # crossover point
g2_in_fh = np.interp(2*v_grid, v_grid, g2_in) # input to fundamental harmonic
g2_in_sh = np.interp(0.5*v_grid, v_grid, g2_in) # input to second harmonic
# Fundamental (DFG)
g2_fh = g2_out * g2_in_fh * g2_in
# Second Harmonic (SFG)
g2_sh = g2_out * g2_in_sh**2
# Crossover
g2 = np.zeros_like(g2_out)
g2[:vc_idx] = g2_fh[:vc_idx]
g2[vc_idx:] = g2_sh[vc_idx:]
return g2
def g2_sfg(v0, v_grid, n_eff, a_eff, chi2_eff):
The 2nd-order nonlinear parameter weighted for sum frequency generation
driven by the given input frequency.
v0 : float
The target pump frequency.
v_grid : array_like of float
The frequency grid.
n_eff : array_like of float
The effective refractive indices.
a_eff : array_like of float
The effective areas.
chi2_eff : array_like
The effective 2nd-order susceptibilities.
g2 : ndarray
g2_out, g2_in = g2_split(n_eff, a_eff, chi2_eff)
vc_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(v_grid - (v_grid.min() + v0))) # crossover point
g2_in_v0 = np.interp(v0, v_grid, g2_in)
g2_in_sf = np.interp(v_grid - v0, v_grid, g2_in) # input to sum (out = in + v0)
g2_in_df = np.interp(v_grid + v0, v_grid, g2_in) # input to diff (out = in - v0)
# Fundamental (DFG)
g2_sf = g2_out * g2_in_sf * g2_in_v0
# Second Harmonic (SFG)
g2_df = g2_out * g2_in_df * g2_in_v0
# Crossover
g2 = np.zeros_like(g2_out)
g2[:vc_idx] = g2_df[:vc_idx]
g2[vc_idx:] = g2_sf[vc_idx:]
return g2
# %% Phase Matching
def domain_inversions(z, dk, n=1):
Find the location of the domain inversion boundaries that quasi-phase match
(QPM) the given wavenumber mismatch.
z : float or array_like of float
The propagation distance.
dk : float or array_like of float
The wavenumber mismatch, or ``2*pi/polling period``.
n : int, optional
The interpolation order used to calculate the inversion points.
z_invs : ndarray of float
The location of all domain inversion boundaries.
domains : ndarray of float
The length of each domain.
poled : ndarray of int
The poling status of each domain. A value of 1 indicates an inverted
domain. A value of 0 indicates an unpoled region.
For continuous QPM profiles, the domain boundaries can be calculated by
inverting the integral equation that gives the accumulated phase mismatch:
.. math::
2 \\pi N[z] &= \\int_{z_0}^z \\Delta k[z^\\prime] dz^\\prime
= \\int_{z_0}^z \\frac{2 \\pi}{\\Lambda[z^\\prime]} dz^\\prime \\\\
\\text{z}_{inv}[n] &= N^{-1}[n/2]
where :math:`\Delta k` is the wavenumber mismatch compensated by poling
period :math:`\Lambda`, :math:`N` is the accumulated number of phase
cycles, and :math:`n` is an integer.
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
#---- Process Input
assert 1 <= n <= 5, "The interpolation order must be between 1 and 5."
z = np.asarray(z)
dk = np.abs(np.asarray(dk))
aperiodic = dk.size > 1
if aperiodic:
# Aperiodic Poling
assert np.all(np.diff(z) > 0), "The points in `z` must be ordered monotonically."
assert z.size == dk.size, "`dk` must have the same number of points as `z`."
assert z.size > n, "The number of points must be greater than the interpolation order."
# Periodic Poling
n = 1 # linear interpolation is exact
if z.size == 1:
assert z > 0, "The poled length must be greater than 0."
z = np.linspace(0, z, n+1)
dk = np.ones_like(z) * dk
#---- Inversion Points
n_cycles = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(z, dk/(2*pi), k=n).antiderivative()
if aperiodic and n == 1:
# Linearly interpolate dk, quadratically interpolate z_n
n = 2
if not z.size > n:
z = np.linspace(z.min(), z.max(), n+1)
z_n = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(2*n_cycles(z), z, k=n)
n_invs = int(2*n_cycles(z[-1])) # round down
n_grid = np.arange(n_invs + 1)
z_invs = z_n(n_grid) # all inversion points
#---- Domains
poled = n_grid % 2
domains = np.diff(z_invs)
if np.isclose(z_invs.max(), z.max(), rtol=0, atol=10e-9):
# Ignore final inversion if at the end
poled = poled[:-1]
z_invs = z_invs[:-1]
# Include final domain
domains = np.append(domains, z.max() - z_invs.max())
return z_invs[1:], domains, poled
def dominant_paths(v_grid, beta, beta_qpm=None, full=False): #TODO: add extent (for imshow)
For each output frequency, find the input frequencies that are coupled
with the least phase mismatch.
This function checks both sum frequency generation (SFG) pathways and
difference frequency generation (DFG) pathways.
v_grid : array_like of float
The frequency grid.
beta : array_like of float
The wavenumber of each input frequency.
beta_qpm : float, optional
The effective wavenumber of an applied quasi-phase matching (QPM)
structure. If ``None``, the dominant path is calculated without poling.
full : bool, optional
A flag determining the nature of the return value. When ``False`` (the
default) just the path indices are returned, when ``True`` the
calculated wavenumber mismatch arrays are also returned.
paths : list
Pairs of indices for each output frequency that correspond to the
input frequencies of the dominant input paths. If no valid path exists
for a particular output frequency its input indices are given as
``[None, None]``.
(dk, dk_sfg, dk_dfg) : tuple
These values are only returned if ``full=True`` \n
dk : list
The wavenumber mismatch for each path in `paths`.
v_sfg : ndarray of float
The frequencies that correspond to all SFG combinations.
dk_sfg : ndarray of float
The wavenumber mismatch for all SFG combinations. The mismatch of
invalid paths are given as ``np.nan``.
v_dfg : ndarray of float
The frequencies that correspond to all DFG combinations.
dk_dfg : ndarray of float
The wavenumber mismatch for all DFG combinations. The mismatch of
invalid paths are given as NaN.
#---- Setup
v_grid = np.asarray(v_grid, dtype=float)
n = v_grid.size
v_idx = np.arange(n)
v_idx2 = np.dstack(np.indices((n,n)))
beta = np.asarray(beta, dtype=float)
#---- Sum Frequency
v_sfg = np.add.outer(v_grid, v_grid)
# Indexing
v_idx_sfg = np.interp(v_sfg, v_grid, v_idx, left=np.nan, right=np.nan).round()
sfg_idxs = np.arange(np.nanmin(v_idx_sfg), np.nanmax(v_idx_sfg)+1, dtype=int)
sfg_diag_offset = (n-1) - np.arange(sfg_idxs.size)
# Wavenumber Mismatch
beta_sfg_12 = np.add.outer(beta, beta)
beta_sfg_3 = np.interp(v_sfg, v_grid, beta, left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
if beta_qpm is None:
dk_sfg = np.abs(beta_sfg_12 - beta_sfg_3)
dk_sfg = np.abs(np.abs(beta_sfg_12 - beta_sfg_3) - beta_qpm)
#---- Difference Frequency
v_dfg = np.subtract.outer(v_grid, v_grid)
# Indexing
v_idx_dfg = np.interp(v_dfg, v_grid, v_idx, left=np.nan, right=np.nan).round()
dfg_idxs = np.arange(np.nanmin(v_idx_dfg), np.nanmax(v_idx_dfg)+1, dtype=int)
dfg_diag_offset = -(n-1) + np.arange(dfg_idxs.size)[::-1]
# Wavenumber Mismatch
beta_dfg_31 = np.subtract.outer(beta, beta)
beta_dfg_2 = np.interp(v_dfg, v_grid, beta, left=np.nan, right=np.nan)
if beta_qpm is None:
dk_dfg = np.abs(beta_dfg_31 - beta_dfg_2)
dk_dfg = np.abs(np.abs(beta_dfg_31 - beta_dfg_2) - beta_qpm)
#---- Paths of Minimum Phase Mismatch
paths = []
dk = []
for idx in v_idx:
valid_sfg = (idx in sfg_idxs)
valid_dfg = (idx in dfg_idxs)
if valid_sfg:
diag_offset = sfg_diag_offset[idx==sfg_idxs][0]
sfg_diag = np.fliplr(dk_sfg).diagonal(diag_offset)
min_dk_sfg = np.nanmin(sfg_diag)
min_dk_sfg_idx = np.nonzero(sfg_diag==min_dk_sfg)
sfg_path = np.fliplr(v_idx2).diagonal(diag_offset).T[min_dk_sfg_idx]
if valid_dfg:
diag_offset = dfg_diag_offset[idx==dfg_idxs][0]
dfg_diag = dk_dfg.diagonal(diag_offset)
min_dk_dfg = np.nanmin(dfg_diag)
min_dk_dfg_idx = np.nonzero(dfg_diag==min_dk_dfg)
dfg_path = v_idx2.diagonal(diag_offset).T[min_dk_dfg_idx]
if valid_sfg and valid_dfg:
if min_dk_sfg < min_dk_dfg:
# SFG smaller
elif min_dk_sfg > min_dk_dfg:
# DFG smaller
# Equal
paths.append(sfg_path.tolist() + dfg_path.tolist())
dk.append(min_dk_sfg) if min_dk_sfg < min_dk_dfg else dk.append(min_dk_dfg)
elif valid_sfg:
# Only SFG
elif valid_dfg:
# Only DFG
# No path
paths.append([[None, None]])
if full:
return paths, (dk, v_sfg, dk_sfg, v_dfg, dk_dfg)
return paths
# %% Calculator Functions
def effective_chi3():
pass #TODO: effective 3rd-order from cascaded 2nd
def shg_conversion_efficiency(v0, p0, n_v, n_2v, a_eff, d_eff, z, qpm_order=None):
Conversion efficiency of second-harmonic generation in the undepleted-pump
v0 : float
The fundamental frequency.
p0 : float
The average power.
n_v : float
The refractive index at the fundamental frequency.
n_2v : float
The refractive index at the second-harmonic frequency.
a_eff : float
The effective area.
d_eff : float
The effective second order nonlinearity.
z : float
The propagation distance.
qpm_order : int
The order of the quasi-phase-matching. Only odd orders can be
quasi-phase matched.
Robert W. Boyd, Nonlinear Optics (Fourth Edition), Academic Press, 2020
w0 = 2*pi*v0
if qpm_order is not None:
d_eff = d_eff * np.abs(np.sinc(qpm_order/2))
return (2*d_eff**2 * w0**2 * p0)/(n_v**2 * n_2v * a_eff * e0 * c**3) * z**2