Source code for pynlo.utility

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Time and frequency grid utilities and other miscellaneous helper functions.

The submodules contain calculator-type functions for converting between
physically relevant parameters related to the linear and nonlinear
susceptibilities, as well as an efficient interface to fast Fourier transforms.


__all__ = ["chi1", "chi2", "chi3", "fft",
           "vacuum", "taylor_series",
           "shift", "resample_v", "resample_t",

# %% Imports

import collections
import copy

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import pi, h

from pynlo.utility import chi1, chi2, chi3, fft

# %% Collections

_ResampledV = collections.namedtuple("ResampledV", ["v_grid", "f_v", "dv", "dt"])

_ResampledT = collections.namedtuple("ResampledT", ["t_grid", "f_t", "dt"])

_RTFGrid = collections.namedtuple("RTFGrid", ["n",
                                             "v_grid", "v_ref", "dv", "v_window",
                                             "t_grid", "t_ref", "dt", "t_window"])

# %% Routines

[docs] def taylor_series(x0, fn): """ Calculate a Taylor series expansion given the derivatives of a function about a point. Parameters ---------- x0 : float The center point of the Taylor series expansion. fn : array_like The value and derivatives of the function evaluated at `x0`. The coefficients must be given in order of increasing degree, i.e. ``[f(x0), f'(x0), f''(x0), ...]``. Returns ------- pwr_series : numpy.polynomial.Polynomial A NumPy `Polynomial` object representing the Taylor series expansion. """ window = np.array([-1, 1]) domain = window + x0 poly_coefs = [coef/np.math.factorial(n) for (n, coef) in enumerate(fn)] pwr_series = np.polynomial.Polynomial(poly_coefs, domain=domain, window=window) return pwr_series
[docs] def vacuum(v_grid, rng=None): """ Generate a root-power spectrum due to quantum vacuum fluctuations. Parameters ---------- v_grid : array_like of float The frequency grid. rng : np.random.Generator, optional A NumPy random number generator. The default initializes a new `Generator` on each function call. Notes ----- The combined noise of a coherent state's amplitude and phase quadratures is equal to that of the vacuum. A coherent state :math:`|\\alpha\\rangle` is defined by the displacement :math:`\\alpha = x_1 + i \\, x_2`, where :math:`x_1` and :math:`x_2` are the "amplitude" and "phase" (real and imaginary) quadrature amplitudes. In the number state basis :math:`|n\\rangle`, a coherent state takes the form of a Poissonian distribution: .. math:: |\\alpha\\rangle = e^{-\\frac{|\\alpha|^2}{2}} \sum_{n=0}^\\infty \\frac{\\alpha^n}{\sqrt{n!}} |n\\rangle The probability :math:`P[\\alpha]` of measuring displacement :math:`\\alpha` from a coherent state with average displacement :math:`\\beta`, a simultaneous measurement of :math:`x_1` and :math:`x_2`, is as follows: .. math:: P[\\alpha] = \\frac{1}{\\pi} |\\langle \\alpha | \\beta\\rangle|^2 = \\frac{1}{\\pi} e^{-|\\alpha - \\beta|^2} This probability distribution is Gaussian, and its noise can be completely described by calculating the variance of each quadrature component. Scaled to the number of photons (:math:`N=\\alpha^2`), the combined noise from both quadratures gives a total variance of one photon per measurement: .. math:: \\sigma_{x_1}^2 = \\sigma_{x_2}^2 = \\frac{1}{2} .. math:: \\sigma_\\alpha^2 = \\sigma_{x_1}^2 + \\sigma_{x_2}^2 = 1 The width of the probability distribution is independent of the coherent state's average displacement, which can be zero. This means that the root-photon noise can be generated independent of the state by sampling a normal distribution centered about zero mean. Also, since the Fourier transform of Gaussian noise is also Gaussian noise, the root-photon noise can be equivalently generated in either the time or frequency domains. Normalizing to the number of photons per measurement interval, the root photon noise for both quadratures becomes ``1/(2 * dt)**0.5`` for the time domain and ``1/(2 * dv)**0.5`` for the frequency domain. The final root-power noise is found by multiplying the frequency domain root-photon noise by the square root of the photon energy associated with each bin's frequency. Returns ------- a_v : ndarray of complex The randomly-generated vacuum state root-power spectrum. """ if rng is None: rng = np.random.default_rng() v_grid = np.asarray(v_grid, dtype=float) dv = np.mean(np.diff(v_grid)) n = v_grid.size a_v = ((h*v_grid)/(2*dv))**0.5 * (rng.standard_normal(n) + 1j*rng.standard_normal(n)) return a_v
[docs] def shift(f_t, dt, t_shift): """ Fourier shift. The output array is at `f(t - t_shift)`. Parameters ---------- f_t : array_like The input array. dt : float The grid step size. shift_t : float The amount to shift. Returns ------- ndarray The shifted array. """ f_t = np.asarray(f_t) # Grid n = f_t.shape[-1] dv = 1/(n*dt) v_grid = dv*(np.arange(n) - n//2) # Shift f_v = fft.fftshift(fft.fft(fft.ifftshift(f_t), fsc=dt)) shift_v = np.exp(-1j*2*pi * v_grid * t_shift) shift_f_t = fft.fftshift(fft.ifft(fft.ifftshift(f_v * shift_v), fsc=dt)) # if np.isreal(f_t).all(): shift_f_t = shift_f_t.real return shift_f_t
[docs] def resample_v(v_grid, f_v, n): """ Resample frequency-domain data to the given number of points. The complementary time data is assumed to be of finite support, so the resampling is accomplished by adding or removing trailing and leading time bins. Discontinuities in the frequency-domain amplitude will manifest as ringing when resampled. Parameters ---------- v_grid : array_like of float The frequency grid of the input data. f_v : array_like of complex The frequency-domain data to be resampled. n : int The number of points at which to resample the input data. When the input corresponds to a real-valued time domain representation, this number is the number of points in the time domain. Returns ------- v_grid : ndarray of float The resampled frequency grid. f_v : ndarray of real or complex The resampled frequency-domain data. dv : float The spacing of the resampled frequency grid. dt : float The spacing of the resampled time grid. Notes ----- If the number of points is odd, there are an equal number of points on the positive and negative side of the time grid. If even, there is one extra point on the negative side. This method checks if the origin is contained in `v_grid` to determine whether real or complex transformations should be performed. In both cases the resampling is accomplished by removing trailing and leading time bins. For analytic representations, the returned frequency grid is defined symmetrically about its reference, as in the `TFGrid` class, and for real-valued representations the grid is defined starting at the origin. """ assert isinstance(n, (int, np.integer)), "The requested number of points must be an integer" assert (n > 0), "The requested number of points must be greater than 0." assert (len(v_grid) == len(f_v)), ( "The frequency grid and frequency-domain data must be the same length.") #---- Inverse Transform dv_0 = np.diff(v_grid).mean() if v_grid[0] == 0: assert np.isreal(f_v[0]), ( "When the input is in the real-valued representation, the amplitude at the origin must be real.") # Real-Valued Representation if np.isreal(f_v[-1]): n_0 = 2*(len(v_grid)-1) else: n_0 = 2*(len(v_grid)-1) + 1 dt_0 = 1/(n_0*dv_0) f_t = fft.fftshift(fft.irfft(f_v, fsc=dt_0, n=n_0)) else: # Analytic Representation n_0 = len(v_grid) dt_0 = 1/(n_0*dv_0) v_ref_0 = v_grid[n_0//2] f_t = fft.fftshift(fft.ifft(fft.ifftshift(f_v), fsc=dt_0, overwrite_x=True)) #---- Resample dn_n = n//2 - n_0//2 # leading time bins dn_p = (n-1)//2 - (n_0-1)//2 # trailing time bins if n > n_0: f_t = np.pad(f_t, (dn_n, dn_p), mode="constant", constant_values=0) elif n < n_0: f_t = f_t[-dn_n:n_0+dn_p] #---- Transform dt = 1/(n_0*dv_0) dv = 1/(n*dt) if v_grid[0] == 0: # Real-Valued Representation f_v = fft.rfft(fft.ifftshift(f_t), fsc=dt) v_grid = dv*np.arange(len(f_v)) else: # Analytic Representation f_v = fft.fftshift(fft.fft(fft.ifftshift(f_t), fsc=dt, overwrite_x=True)) v_grid = dv*(np.arange(n) - (n//2)) v_grid += v_ref_0 #---- Construct ResampledV resampled = _ResampledV(v_grid=v_grid, f_v=f_v, dv=dv, dt=1/(n*dv)) return resampled
[docs] def resample_t(t_grid, f_t, n): """ Resample time-domain data to the given number of points. The complementary frequency data is assumed to be band-limited, so the resampling is accomplished by adding or removing high frequency bins. Discontinuities in the time-domain amplitude will manifest as ringing when resampled. Parameters ---------- t_grid : array_like of float The time grid of the input data. f_t : array_like of real or complex The time-domain data to be resampled. n : int The number of points at which to resample the input data. Returns ------- t_grid : ndarray of float The resampled time grid. f_t : ndarray of real or complex The resampled time-domain data. dt : float The spacing of the resampled time grid. Notes ----- If real, the resampling is accomplished by adding or removing the largest magnitude frequency components (both positive and negative). If complex, the input data is assumed to be analytic, so the resampling is accomplished by adding or removing the largest positive frequencies. This method checks the input data's type, not the magnitude of its imaginary component, to determine if it is real or complex. The returned time axis is defined symmetrically about the input's reference, such as in the `TFGrid` class. """ assert isinstance(n, (int, np.integer)), "The requested number of points must be an integer" assert (n > 0), "The requested number of points must be greater than 0." assert (len(t_grid) == len(f_t)), ( "The time grid and time-domain data must be the same length.") #---- Define Time Grid n_0 = len(t_grid) dt_0 = np.diff(t_grid).mean() t_ref_0 = t_grid[n_0//2] dv = 1/(n_0*dt_0) dt = 1/(n*dv) t_grid = dt*(np.arange(n) - (n//2)) t_grid += t_ref_0 #---- Resample if np.isrealobj(f_t): # Real-Valued Representation f_v = fft.rfft(fft.ifftshift(f_t), fsc=dt_0) if (n > n_0) and not (n % 2): f_v[-1] /= 2 # renormalize aliased Nyquist component f_t = fft.fftshift(fft.irfft(f_v, fsc=dt, n=n)) else: # Analytic Representation f_v = fft.fftshift(fft.fft(fft.ifftshift(f_t), fsc=dt_0, overwrite_x=True)) if n > n_0: f_v = np.pad(f_v, (0, n-n_0), mode="constant", constant_values=0) elif n < n_0: f_v = f_v[:n] f_t = fft.fftshift(fft.ifft(fft.ifftshift(f_v), fsc=dt, overwrite_x=True)) #---- Construct ResampledT resampled = _ResampledT(t_grid=t_grid, f_t=f_t, dt=dt) return resampled
# %% Time and Frequency Grids
[docs] class TFGrid(): """ Complementary time- and frequency-domain grids for the representation of analytic functions with complex-valued envelopes. The frequency grid is shifted and scaled such that it is aligned with the origin and contains only positive frequencies. The values given to the initializers are only targets and may be adjusted slightly. If necessary, the reference frequency will be increased so that the grids can be formed without any negative frequencies. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of grid points. v_ref : float The target central frequency of the grid. dv : float The frequency step size. This is equal to the reciprocal of the total time window. alias : int, optional The number of harmonics supported by the real-valued time domain grid without aliasing. The default is 1, which only generates enough points for one alias-free Nyquist zone. A higher number may be useful when simulating nonlinear interactions. Notes ----- For discrete Fourier transforms (DFT), the frequency step multiplied by the time step is always equal to the reciprocal of the total number of points:: dt*dv == 1/n Each grid point represents the midpoint of a bin that extends 0.5 grid spacings in both directions. Aligning the frequency grid to the origin facilitates calculations using real Fourier transforms, which have grids that start at zero frequency. The `rtf_grids` method and the `rn_range` and `rn_slice` attributes are useful when transitioning between the analytic representation of this class to the real-valued representation. By definition of the DFT, the time and frequency grids must range symmetrically about the origin, with the time grid incrementing in unit steps and the frequency grid in steps of ``1/n``. The grids of the `TFGrid` class are scaled and shifted such that they represent absolute time or frequency values. The scaling is accomplished by setting the forward scale parameter of the Fourier transforms to ``dt``. The `v_ref` and `t_ref` variables describe the amount that the `TFGrid` grids need to be shifted to come into alignment with the origins of the grids implicitly defined by the DFT. """ def __init__(self, n, v_ref, dv, alias=1): assert isinstance(n, (int, np.integer)), "The number of points must be an integer." assert (n > 1), "The number of points must be greater than 1." assert (dv > 0), "The frequency grid step size must be greater than 0." assert (v_ref > 0), "The target central frequency must be greater than 0." self._n = n self._dv = dv #---- Align Frequency Grid ref_idx = round(v_ref/self.dv) if ref_idx < self.n//2 + 1: ref_idx = self.n//2 + 1 self._v_ref = ref_idx * dv min_idx = ref_idx - self.n//2 max_idx = ref_idx + ((self.n-1) - self.n//2) self._rn_range = np.array([min_idx, max_idx]) self._rn_slice = slice(self.rn_range.min(), self.rn_range.max() + 1) #---- Define Frequency Grid self.__v_grid = self.dv*(np.arange(self.n) - self.n//2) + self.v_ref self._v_ref = self.v_grid[self.n//2] self._v_window = self.n*self.dv #---- Define Complex Time Grid self._dt = 1/(self.n*self.dv) self.__t_grid = self.dt*(np.arange(self.n) - self.n//2) self._t_ref = self.t_grid[self.n//2] self._t_window = self.n*self.dt #---- Define Real-Valued Time and Frequency Domain Grids assert (alias >= 1), "There must be atleast 1 alias-free Nyquist zone." self.rtf_grids(alias=alias, update=True) #---- Class Methods
[docs] @classmethod def FromFreqRange(cls, n, v_min, v_max, **kwargs): """ Initialize a set of time and frequency grids given the total number of grid points and a target minimum and maximum frequency. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of grid points. v_min : float The target minimum frequency. v_max : float The target maximum frequency. """ assert (v_max > v_min), ( "The target maximum frequency must be greater than the target minimum frequency.") dv = (v_max - v_min)/(n-1) v_ref = 0.5*(v_min + v_max) self = cls(n, v_ref, dv, **kwargs) return self
#---- General Properties @property def n(self): """ The number of grid points of the analytic representation. This value is the same for both the time and frequency grids. Returns ------- int """ return self._n @property def rn(self): """ The number of grid points of the real-valued time domain representation. Returns ------- int """ return self._rn @property def rn_range(self): """ The minimum and maximum indices of the origin-contiguous frequency grid, associated with the real-valued time domain representation, that correspond to the first and last points of the analytic frequency grid. These values are useful for indexing and constructing frequency grids for applications with real DFTs. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return self._rn_range @property def rn_slice(self): """ A slice object that indexes the origin-contiguous frequency grid, associated with the real-valued time domain representation, onto the analytic frequency grid. This is useful for indexing and constructing frequency gridded arrays for applications with real DFTs. It is assumed that the arrays are arranged such that the frequency coordinates are monotonically ordered. Returns ------- slice """ return self._rn_slice #---- Frequency Grid Properties @property def v_grid(self): """ The frequency grid of the analytic representation, with units of ``Hz``. The frequency grid is aligned to the origin and contains only positive frequencies. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return self.__v_grid @property def _v_grid(self): """ The frequency grid of the analytic representation, arranged in standard fft order. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return fft.ifftshift(self.v_grid) @property def v_ref(self): """ The grid reference frequency of the analytic representation, with units of ``Hz``. This is the offset between `v_grid` and the frequency grid of the complex-envelope representation implicitly defined by a DFT with `n` points. Returns ------- float """ return self._v_ref @property def dv(self): """ The frequency grid step size of the analytic representation, with units of ``Hz``. Returns ------- float """ return self._dv @property def v_window(self): """ The span of the frequency grid in the analytic representation, with units of ``Hz``. This is equal to the number of grid points times the frequency grid step size. Returns ------- float """ return self._v_window #---- Time Grid Properties @property def t_grid(self): """ The time grid of the analytic representation, with units of ``s``. The time grid is aligned symmetrically about the origin. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return self.__t_grid @property def _t_grid(self): """ The time grid of the analytic representation arranged in standard fft order. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return fft.ifftshift(self.t_grid) @property def t_ref(self): """ The grid reference time of the analytic representation, with units of ``s``. This is the offset between `t_grid` and the time grid of the complex-envelope representation implicitly defined by a DFT with `n` points. Returns ------- float """ return self._t_ref @property def dt(self): """ The time grid step size of the analytic representation, with units of ``s``. The time step is used as the differential of Fourier transforms. Multiplying the input of the transform by this factor will preserve the integrated absolute squared magnitude of the transformed result:: a_v = fft.fft(a_t, fsc=dt) np.sum(np.abs(a_t)**2 * dt) == np.sum(np.abs(a_v)**2 * dv) Returns ------- float """ return self._dt @property def t_window(self): """ The span of the time grid in the analytic representation, with units of ``s``. This is equal to the number of grid points times the time grid step size. Returns ------- float """ return self._t_window #---- Real Time/Frequency Grid Properties @property def rv_grid(self): """ The origin-contiguous frequency grid of the real-valued time domain representation, with units of ``Hz``. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return self.__rv_grid @property def rv_ref(self): """ The grid reference frequency of the real-valued time domain representation, with units of ``Hz``. Returns ------- float """ return self._rv_ref @property def rdv(self): """ The frequency grid step size of the real-valued time domain representation, with units of ``Hz``. This is equal to the frequency grid step size of the analytic representation. Returns ------- float """ return self._dv @property def rv_window(self): """ The span of the frequency grid in the real-valued time domain representation, with units of ``Hz``. Returns ------- float """ return self._rv_window @property def rt_grid(self): """ The time grid of the real-valued time domain representation, with units of ``s``. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return self.__rt_grid @property def _rt_grid(self): """ The time grid of the real-valued time domain representation, arranged in standard fft order. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return fft.ifftshift(self.rt_grid) @property def rt_ref(self): """ The grid reference time of the real-valued time domain representation, with units of ``s``. Returns ------- float """ return self._rt_ref @property def rdt(self): """ The time grid step size of the real-valued time domain representation, with units of ``s``. Returns ------- float """ return self._rdt @property def rt_window(self): """ The span of the time grid in the real-valued time domain representation, with units of ``s``. Returns ------- float """ return self._rt_window
[docs] def rtf_grids(self, alias=1, fast_n=True, update=False): """ Complementary time and frequency domain grids for the representation of analytic functions with real-valued amplitudes. The `alias` parameter determines the number of harmonics the time grid supports without aliasing. In order to maintain efficient DFT behavior, the number of points can be extended further based on the output of `scipy.fft.next_fast_len` for aliases greater than or equal to 1. An alias of 0 returns the set of time and frequency grids consistent with a real-valued function defined over the original, analytic `t_grid`. The resulting frequency grid contains the origin and positive frequencies and is suitable for use with real DFTs (see `fft.rfft` and `fft.irfft`). Parameters ---------- alias : float, optional The harmonic support of the generated grids (the number of alias-free Nyquist zones). The default is 1, the fundamental harmonic. fast_n : bool, optional A flag that determines whether the length of the new array is extended up to the next fast fft length. The default is to extend. This parameter has no effect when the `alias` is 0. update : bool, optional A flag that determines whether to update the real-valued time and frequency domain grids of the parent object with the output of this method. The default is to return the calculated grids without updating the associated values stored in the class. This parameter is only valid when `alias` is greater than or equal to 1. Returns ------- n : int The number of grid points. v_grid : array of float The origin-contiguous frequency grid. v_ref : float The grid reference frequency. dv : float The frequency grid step size. v_window : float The span of the frequency grid. t_grid : array of float The time grid. t_ref : float The grid reference time. dt : float The time grid step size. t_window : float The span of the time grid. Notes ----- To avoid dealing with case-specific amplitude scale factors when transforming between analytic and real-valued representations the frequency grid for complex-valued functions must not contain the origin and there must be enough points in the real-valued representation to avoid aliasing the Nyquist frequency of the analytic representation. The initializer of the `TFGrid` class enforces the first condition, the frequency grid starts at minimum one step size away from the origin, and this method enforces the second by making the minimum number of points odd if the real grid only extends to the first harmonic. The transformation between representations is performed as in the following example, with `tf` an instance of the `TFGrid` class, `rtf` the output of this method, `a_v` the spectrum of a complex-valued envelope defined over `v_grid`, `ra_v` the spectrum of the real-valued function defined over `rtf.v_grid`, and `ra_t` the real-valued function defined over `rtf.t_grid`. The ``1/2**0.5`` scale factor between `a_v` and `ra_v` preserves the integrated squared magnitude in the time domain:: rtf = tf.rtf_grids() ra_v = np.zeros_like(rtf.v_grid, dtype=complex) ra_v[tf.rn_slice] = 2**-0.5 * a_v ra_t = fft.irfft(ra_v, fsc=rtf.dt, n=rtf.n) np.sum(ra_t**2 * rtf.dt) == np.sum(np.abs(a_v)**2 * tf.dv) """ #---- Number of Points if alias==0: n = self.n else: assert (alias >= 1), "The harmonic support must be atleast 1." target_n_v = round(self.rn_range.max()*alias) if alias == 1: n = 2*target_n_v - 1 # odd else: n = 2*(target_n_v - 1) # even if fast_n: n = fft.next_fast_len(n) n_v = n//2 + 1 # points in the frequency grid #---- Define Frequency Grid v_grid = self.dv*np.arange(n_v) v_ref = v_grid[0] #---- Define Time Grid dt = 1/(n*self.dv) t_grid = dt*(np.arange(n) - n//2) t_ref = t_grid[n//2] # 0 by definition #---- Construct RTFGrid rtf_grids = _RTFGrid( n=n, v_grid=v_grid, v_ref=v_ref, dv=self.dv, v_window=n_v*self.dv, t_grid=t_grid, t_ref=t_ref, dt=dt, t_window=n*dt) if update and alias!=0: self._rn = rtf_grids.n # Frequency Grid self.__rv_grid = rtf_grids.v_grid self._rv_ref = rtf_grids.v_ref self._rv_window = rtf_grids.v_window # Time Grid self.__rt_grid = rtf_grids.t_grid self._rt_ref = rtf_grids.t_ref self._rdt = rtf_grids.dt self._rt_window = rtf_grids.t_window return rtf_grids
#---- Misc
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy the time and frequency grids.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)