Source code for pynlo.utility.chi1

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Conversion functions and other calculators relevant to the linear


__all__ = ["n_to_beta", "beta_to_n", "D_to_beta2", "beta2_to_D"]

# %% Imports

from scipy.constants import pi, c

#%% Converters

# TODO: forward and backward transformations, test with equivalents from medium.Mode

#---- Wavenumber and Linear Susceptibility chi1
def chi1_to_k(v_grid, chi1):
    k = 2*pi*v_grid/c * (1 + chi1)**0.5
    alpha = 2*k.imag
    beta = k.real
    return beta, alpha

def k_to_chi1(v_grid, beta, alpha=None):
    if alpha is None:
        k = beta
        k = beta + 1j/2 * alpha
    return (c/(2*pi*v_grid) * k)**2 - 1

#---- Phase Coefficient and Refractive Index
[docs] def n_to_beta(v_grid, n): """ Refractive index to phase coefficient. Parameters ---------- v_grid : array_like of float The frequency grid. n : array_like of float The refractive indices. Returns ------- beta """ return n * (2*pi*v_grid/c)
[docs] def beta_to_n(v_grid, beta): """ Phase coefficient to refractive index Parameters ---------- v_grid : array_like of float The frequency grid. beta : array_like of float The angular wavenumbers. Returns ------- n """ return beta / (2*pi*v_grid/c)
#---- GVD and Dispersion Parameter D
[docs] def D_to_beta2(v_grid, D): """ Dispersion parameter D to group velocity dispersion beta_2 (GVD). Parameters ---------- v_grid : array_like of float The frequency grid. D : array_like of float The dispersion parameter D, in units of ``s/m**2``. Returns ------- The GVD, in units of ``s**2/m``. """ return D / (-2*pi * v_grid**2/c)
[docs] def beta2_to_D(v_grid, beta2): """ Group velocity dispersion beta_2 (GVD) to dispersion parameter D. Parameters ---------- v_grid : array_like of float The frequency grid. beta2 : array_like of float The GVD parameter, in units of ``s**2/m``. Returns ------- The dispersion parameter, in units of ``s/m**2``. """ return beta2 * (-2*pi * v_grid**2/c)
# %% Calculator Functions def linear_length(): pass #TODO