Source code for pynlo.light

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Pulses of light in the time and frequency domains.

The public facing routines and properties of the defined class have inputs and
outputs that are arranged such that the coordinate arrays are monotonically
ordered. Many of the associated private methods and properties, those prefixed
by ``_``, are arranged in standard fft order (using `ifftshift`).


__all__ = ["Pulse"]

# %% Imports

import collections

import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import pi

from pynlo.utility import TFGrid, fft, resample_v, resample_t
from pynlo.utility.misc import ndproperty, replace

# %% Collections

PowerSpectralWidth = collections.namedtuple("PowerSpectralWidth", ["fwhm", "rms", "eqv"])

PowerEnvelopeWidth = collections.namedtuple("PowerEnvelopeWidth", ["fwhm", "rms", "eqv"])

Autocorrelation = collections.namedtuple("Autocorrelation", ["t_grid", "ac_t", "fwhm", "rms", "eqv"])

Spectrogram = collections.namedtuple("Spectrogram", ["v_grid", "t_grid", "spg", "extent"])

# %% Pulse

[docs] class Pulse(TFGrid): """ An optical pulse. A set of complementary time and frequency grids are generated to represent the pulse in both the time and frequency domains. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of grid points. v_ref : float The target central frequency of the grid. dv : float The frequency step size. This is equal to the reciprocal of the time window. v0 : float, optional The comoving-frame reference frequency. The default value is the center frequency of the resulting grid. a_v : array_like of complex, optional The root-power spectrum. The default value is an empty spectrum. alias : float, optional The number of harmonics supported by the real-valued time domain grid without aliasing. The default is 1, which only generates enough points for one alias-free Nyquist zone. A higher number may be useful when simulating nonlinear interactions. See Also -------- pynlo.utility.TFGrid : Documentation of the methods and attributes related to this class's time and frequency grids. Notes ----- The power spectrum and temporal envelope are normalized to the pulse energy `e_p`:: e_p == np.sum(p_v*dv) == np.sum(p_t*dt) == np.sum(rp_t*rdt) The amplitude of the analytic root-power spectrum is a factor of ``2**0.5`` larger than the double-sided root-power spectrum of the real-valued time domain. When transforming between the two representations use the following normalization:: a_v = 2**0.5 * ra_v[rn_slice] ra_v[rn_slice] = 2**-0.5 * a_v The comoving-frame reference frequency `v0` is only used to adjust the group delay of the time window during pulse propagation simulations, it does not otherwise affect the properties of the pulse. """ def __init__(self, n, v_ref, dv, v0=None, a_v=None, alias=1): #---- Initialize Grids super().__init__(n, v_ref, dv, alias=alias) self.__a_v = np.zeros_like(self.v_grid, dtype=complex) if v0 is None: self.v0 = self.v_grid[self.n//2] # same as v_ref else: self.v0 = v0 #---- Set Spectrum if a_v is not None: a_v = np.asarray(a_v, astype=complex) if a_v.size > 1: assert (len(a_v) == n), ( "The length of `a_v` must match the number of grid points.") self.a_v = a_v #---- Class Methods
[docs] @classmethod def FromPowerSpectrum(cls, p_v, n, v_min, v_max, v0=None, e_p=None, phi_v=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize a pulse using existing spectral data. Parameters ---------- p_v : callable -> array_like of float The power spectrum. n : int, optional The number of grid points. v_min : float, optional The target minimum frequency. v_max : float, optional The target maximum frequency. v0 : float, optional The comoving-frame reference frequency. The default value is the center of the resulting frequency grid. e_p : float, optional The pulse energy. The default inherits the pulse energy of the input spectrum. phi_v : callable -> array_like of float, optional The phase of the power spectrum. The default initializes a transform limited pulse. """ assert callable(p_v), "The power spectrum must be a callable function." #---- Initialize Grids self = super().FromFreqRange(n, v_min, v_max, **kwargs) self.__a_v = np.zeros_like(self.v_grid, dtype=complex) if v0 is None: self.v0 = self.v_grid[self.n//2] # same as v_ref else: self.v0 = v0 #---- Evaluate Input p_v = np.asarray(p_v(self.v_grid), dtype=float) p_v[p_v < 0] = 0 if phi_v is not None: assert callable(phi_v), "The phase must be a callable function." phi_v = np.asarray(phi_v(self.v_grid), dtype=float) else: phi_v = np.zeros_like(self.v_grid) #---- Set spectrum self.a_v = p_v**0.5 * np.exp(1j*phi_v) #---- Set Pulse Energy if e_p is not None: self.e_p = e_p return self
[docs] @classmethod def Gaussian(cls, n, v_min, v_max, v0, e_p, t_fwhm, m=1, **kwargs): """ Initialize a Gaussian or super-Gaussian pulse. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of grid points. v_min : float The target minimum frequency. v_max : float The target maximum frequency. v0 : float The pulse's center frequency. Also taken as the reference frequency for the comoving frame. e_p : float The pulse energy. t_fwhm : float The full width at half maximum of the pulse's power envelope. m : float, optional The super-Gaussian order. Default is 1. """ assert (t_fwhm > 0), "The pulse width must be greater than 0." #---- Initialize Grids self = super().FromFreqRange(n, v_min, v_max, **kwargs) self.__a_v = np.zeros_like(self.v_grid, dtype=complex) self.v0 = v0 #---- Set Spectrum p_t = 2**(-((2*self.t_grid/t_fwhm)**2)**m) phi_t = 2*pi*(v0-self.v_ref)*self.t_grid self.a_t = p_t**0.5 * np.exp(1j*phi_t) #---- Set Pulse Energy self.e_p = e_p return self
[docs] @classmethod def Sech(cls, n, v_min, v_max, v0, e_p, t_fwhm, **kwargs): """ Initialize a squared hyperbolic secant pulse. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of grid points. v_min : float The target minimum frequency. v_max : float The target maximum frequency. v0 : float The pulse's center frequency. Also taken as the reference frequency for the comoving frame. e_p : float The pulse energy. t_fwhm : float The full width at half maximum of the pulse's power envelope. """ assert (t_fwhm > 0), "The pulse width must be greater than 0." #---- Initialize Grids self = super().FromFreqRange(n, v_min, v_max, **kwargs) self.__a_v = np.zeros_like(self.v_grid, dtype=complex) self.v0 = v0 #---- Set Spectrum t0 = t_fwhm / (2 * np.arccosh(2**0.5)) p_t = (1/np.cosh(self.t_grid/t0))**2 phi_t = 2*pi*(v0-self.v_ref)*self.t_grid self.a_t = p_t**0.5 * np.exp(1j*phi_t) #---- Set Pulse Energy self.e_p = e_p return self
[docs] @classmethod def Parabolic(cls, n, v_min, v_max, v0, e_p, t_fwhm, **kwargs): """ Initialize a parabolic pulse. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of grid points. v_min : float The target minimum frequency. v_max : float The target maximum frequency. v0 : float The pulse's center frequency. Also taken as the reference frequency for the comoving frame. e_p : float The pulse energy. t_fwhm : float The full width at half maximum of the pulse's power envelope. """ assert (t_fwhm > 0), "The pulse width must be greater than 0." #---- Initialize Grids self = super().FromFreqRange(n, v_min, v_max, **kwargs) self.__a_v = np.zeros_like(self.v_grid, dtype=complex) self.v0 = v0 #---- Set Spectrum p_t = 1-2*(self.t_grid/t_fwhm)**2 p_t[p_t < 0] = 0 phi_t = 2*pi*(v0-self.v_ref)*self.t_grid self.a_t = p_t**0.5 * np.exp(1j*phi_t) #---- Set Pulse Energy self.e_p = e_p return self
[docs] @classmethod def Lorentzian(cls, n, v_min, v_max, v0, e_p, t_fwhm, **kwargs): """ Initialize a squared Lorentzian pulse. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of grid points. v_min : float The target minimum frequency. v_max : float The target maximum frequency. v0 : float The pulse's center frequency. Also taken as the reference frequency for the comoving frame. e_p : float The pulse energy. t_fwhm : float The full width at half maximum of the pulse's power envelope. """ assert (t_fwhm > 0), "The pulse width must be greater than 0." #---- Initialize Grids self = super().FromFreqRange(n, v_min, v_max, **kwargs) self.__a_v = np.zeros_like(self.v_grid, dtype=complex) self.v0 = v0 #---- Set Spectrum p_t = 1/(1+4*(2**0.5-1)*(self.t_grid/t_fwhm)**2)**2 phi_t = 2*pi*(v0-self.v_ref)*self.t_grid self.a_t = p_t**0.5 * np.exp(1j*phi_t) #---- Set Pulse Energy self.e_p = e_p return self
[docs] @classmethod def CW(cls, n, v_min, v_max, v0, p_avg, **kwargs): """ Initialize a continuous wave. The target frequency will be offset so that it directly aligns with one of the `v_grid` coordinates. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of grid points. v_min : float The target minimum frequency. v_max : float The target maximum frequency. v0 : float The target CW frequency. Also taken as the reference frequency for the comoving frame. p_avg : float The average power of the CW light. """ #---- Initialize Grids self = super().FromFreqRange(n, v_min, v_max, **kwargs) self.__a_v = np.zeros_like(self.v_grid, dtype=complex) self.v0 = v0 #---- Set Spectrum p_t = np.ones_like(self.t_grid) phi_t = 2*pi*(self.v0-self.v_ref)*self.t_grid self.a_t = p_t**0.5 * np.exp(1j*phi_t) #---- Set Pulse Energy e_p = p_avg*self.t_window self.e_p = e_p return self
#---- Frequency Domain Properties @property def a_v(self): """ The root-power spectrum, with units of ``(J/Hz)**0.5``. Returns ------- ndarray of complex """ return self.__a_v @a_v.setter def a_v(self, a_v): self.__a_v[...] = a_v @ndproperty def _a_v(self, key=...): """ The root-power spectrum arranged in standard fft order. Returns ------- ndarray of complex """ return fft.ifftshift(self.a_v)[key] @_a_v.setter def _a_v(self, _a_v, key=...): if key is not ...: _a_v = replace(self._a_v, _a_v, key) self.a_v = fft.fftshift(_a_v) @ndproperty def p_v(self, key=...): """ The power spectrum, with units of ``J/Hz``. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return self.a_v[key].real**2 + self.a_v[key].imag**2 @p_v.setter def p_v(self, p_v, key=...): self.a_v[key] = p_v**0.5 * np.exp(1j*self.phi_v[key]) @ndproperty def _p_v(self, key=...): """ The power spectrum arranged in standard fft order. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return fft.ifftshift(self.p_v)[key] @_p_v.setter def _p_v(self, _p_v, key=...): if key is not ...: _p_v = replace(self._p_v, _p_v, key) self.p_v = fft.fftshift(_p_v) @ndproperty def phi_v(self, key=...): """ The spectral phase, in ``rad``. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return np.angle(self.a_v[key]) @phi_v.setter def phi_v(self, phi_v, key=...): self.a_v[key] = self.p_v[key]**0.5 * np.exp(1j*phi_v) @ndproperty def _phi_v(self, key=...): """ The spectral phase arranged in standard fft order. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return fft.ifftshift(self.phi_v)[key] @_phi_v.setter def _phi_v(self, _phi_v, key=...): if key is not ...: _phi_v = replace(self._phi_v, _phi_v, key) self.phi_v = fft.fftshift(_phi_v) @ndproperty def tg_v(self, key=...): """ The spectral group delay, with units of ``s``. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return self.t_ref - np.gradient(np.unwrap(self.phi_v)/(2*pi), self.v_grid, edge_order=2)[key]
[docs] def v_width(self, m=None): """ Calculate the width of the pulse in the frequency domain. Set `m` to optionally resample the number of points and change the frequency resolution. Parameters ---------- m : float, optional The multiplicative number of points at which to resample the power spectrum. The default is to not resample. Returns ------- fwhm : float The full width at half maximum of the power spectrum. rms : float The full root-mean-square width of the power spectrum. eqv : float The equivalent width of the power spectrum. """ #---- Power p_v = self.p_v #---- Resample if m is None: n = self.n v_grid = self.v_grid dv = self.dv else: assert m > 0, "The point multiplier must be greater than 0." n = round(m * self.n) resampled = resample_v(self.v_grid, p_v, n) p_v = resampled.f_v v_grid = resampled.v_grid dv = resampled.dv #---- FWHM p_max = p_v.max() v_selector = v_grid[p_v >= 0.5*p_max] v_fwhm = dv + (v_selector.max() - v_selector.min()) #---- RMS p_norm = np.sum(p_v*dv) v_avg = np.sum(v_grid*p_v*dv)/p_norm v_var = np.sum((v_grid - v_avg)**2 * p_v*dv)/p_norm v_rms = 2 * v_var**0.5 #---- Equivalent v_eqv = 1/np.sum((p_v/p_norm)**2 * dv) #---- Construct PowerSpectralWidth v_widths = PowerSpectralWidth(fwhm=v_fwhm, rms=v_rms, eqv=v_eqv) return v_widths
#---- Time Domain Properties @ndproperty def a_t(self, key=...): """ The root-power complex envelope, with units of ``(J/s)**0.5``. Returns ------- ndarray of complex """ return fft.fftshift(self._a_t)[key] @a_t.setter def a_t(self, a_t, key=...): if key is not ...: a_t = replace(self.a_t, a_t, key) self._a_t = fft.ifftshift(a_t) @ndproperty def _a_t(self, key=...): """ The root-power complex envelope arranged in standard fft order. Returns ------- ndarray of complex """ return fft.ifft(self._a_v, fsc=self.dt)[key] @_a_t.setter def _a_t(self, _a_t, key=...): if key is not ...: _a_t = replace(self._a_t, _a_t, key) self._a_v = fft.fft(_a_t, fsc=self.dt) @ndproperty def p_t(self, key=...): """ The power envelope, with units of ``J/s``. This gives the average or rms power of the complex envelope. The envelope of the instantaneous power, which tracks the peak power of each optical cycle, is a factor of 2 larger. Returns ------- ndarray of float See Also -------- rp_t : The instantaneous power. """ return fft.fftshift(self._p_t)[key] @p_t.setter def p_t(self, p_t, key=...): if key is not ...: p_t = replace(self.p_t, p_t, key) self._p_t = fft.ifftshift(p_t) @ndproperty def _p_t(self, key=...): """ The power envelope arranged in standard fft order. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ _a_t = self._a_t[key] return _a_t.real**2 + _a_t.imag**2 @_p_t.setter def _p_t(self, _p_t, key=...): self._a_t[key] = _p_t**0.5 * np.exp(1j*self._phi_t[key]) @ndproperty def phi_t(self, key=...): """ The phase of the complex envelope, in ``rad``. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return fft.fftshift(self._phi_t)[key] @phi_t.setter def phi_t(self, phi_t, key=...): if key is not ...: phi_t = replace(self.phi_t, phi_t, key) self._phi_t = fft.ifftshift(phi_t) @ndproperty def _phi_t(self, key=...): """ The phase of the complex envelope arranged in standard fft order. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return np.angle(self._a_t[key]) @_phi_t.setter def _phi_t(self, _phi_t, key=...): self._a_t[key] = self._p_t[key]**0.5 * np.exp(1j*_phi_t) @ndproperty def vg_t(self, key=...): """ The instantaneous frequency of the complex envelope, with units of ``Hz``. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return self.v_ref + np.gradient(np.unwrap(self.phi_t)/(2*pi), self.t_grid, edge_order=2)[key] @ndproperty def ra_t(self, key=...): """ The real-valued instantaneous root-power amplitude, with units of ``(J/s)**0.5``. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return fft.fftshift(self._ra_t)[key] @ra_t.setter def ra_t(self, ra_t, key=...): if key is not ...: ra_t = replace(self.ra_t, ra_t, key) self._ra_t = fft.ifftshift(ra_t) @ndproperty def _ra_t(self, key=...): """ The real-valued instantaneous root-power amplitude arranged in standard fft order. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ ra_v = np.zeros_like(self.rv_grid, dtype=complex) ra_v[self.rn_slice] = 2**-0.5 * self.a_v ra_t = fft.irfft(ra_v, fsc=self.rdt, n=self.rn) return ra_t[key] @_ra_t.setter def _ra_t(self, _ra_t, key=...): if key is not ...: _ra_t = replace(self._ra_t, _ra_t, key) ra_v = fft.rfft(_ra_t, fsc=self.rdt) self.a_v = 2**0.5 * ra_v[self.rn_slice] @ndproperty def rp_t(self, key=...): """ The instantaneous power, with units of ``J/s``. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return fft.fftshift(self._rp_t)[key] @ndproperty def _rp_t(self, key=...): """ The instantaneous power arranged in standard fft order. Returns ------- ndarray of float """ return self._ra_t[key]**2
[docs] def t_width(self, m=None): """ Calculate the width of the pulse in the time domain. Set `m` to optionally resample the number of points and change the time resolution. Parameters ---------- m : float, optional The multiplicative number of points at which to resample the power envelope. The default is to not resample. Returns ------- fwhm : float The full width at half maximum of the power envelope. rms : float The full root-mean-square width of the power envelope. eqv : float The equivalent width of the power envelope. """ #---- Power p_t = self.p_t #---- Resample if m is None: n = self.n t_grid = self.t_grid dt = self.dt else: assert m > 0, "The point multiplier must be greater than 0." n = round(m * self.n) resampled = resample_t(self.t_grid, p_t, n) p_t = resampled.f_t t_grid = resampled.t_grid dt = resampled.dt #---- FWHM p_max = p_t.max() t_selector = t_grid[p_t >= 0.5*p_max] t_fwhm = dt + (t_selector.max() - t_selector.min()) #---- RMS p_norm = np.sum(p_t*dt) t_avg = np.sum(t_grid*p_t*dt)/p_norm t_var = np.sum((t_grid - t_avg)**2 * p_t*dt)/p_norm t_rms = 2 * t_var**0.5 #---- Equivalent t_eqv = 1/np.sum((p_t/p_norm)**2 * dt) #---- Construct PowerEnvelopeWidth t_widths = PowerEnvelopeWidth(fwhm=t_fwhm, rms=t_rms, eqv=t_eqv) return t_widths
#---- Energy Properties @property def e_p(self): """ The pulse energy, with units of ``J``. Returns ------- float """ return np.sum(self.p_v*self.dv) @e_p.setter def e_p(self, e_p): assert (e_p > 0), "The pulse energy must be greater than 0." self.a_v *= (e_p/self.e_p)**0.5 #---- Grid Properties @property def v0(self): """ The comoving-frame reference frequency, with units of ``Hz``. Returns ------- float """ return self._v0 @v0.setter def v0(self, v0): assert (v0 > 0), "The comoving-frame reference frequency must be greater than 0." self._v0_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(self.v_grid - v0)) self._v0 = self.v_grid[self.v0_idx] @property def v0_idx(self): """ The array index of the comoving frame’s reference frequency. Returns ------- int """ return self._v0_idx #---- Indirect Measures
[docs] def autocorrelation(self, m=None): """ Calculate the intensity autocorrelation and related diagnostic information. Set `m` to optionally resample the number of points and change the time resolution. The intensity autocorrelation is normalized to a max amplitude of 1. Parameters ---------- m : int, optional The multiplicative number of points at which to resample the intensity autocorrelation. The default is to not resample. Returns ------- t_grid : ndarray of float The time grid. ac_t : ndarray of float The amplitude of the intensity autocorrelation. fwhm : float The full width at half maximum of the intensity autocorrelation. rms : float The full root-mean-square width of the intensity autocorrelation. eqv : float The equivalent width of the intensity autocorrelation. """ #---- Intensity Autocorrelation ac_v = np.abs(fft.fftshift(fft.fft(self._p_t, fsc=self.dt)))**2 ac_t = fft.fftshift(fft.ifft(fft.ifftshift(ac_v), fsc=self.dt, overwrite_x=True).real) #---- Resample if m is None: n = self.n t_grid = self.t_grid dt = self.dt else: assert m > 0, "The point multiplier must be greater than 0." n = round(m * self.n) resampled = resample_t(self.t_grid, ac_t, n) ac_t = resampled.f_t t_grid = resampled.t_grid dt = resampled.dt ac_t /= ac_t.max() #---- FWHM ac_max = ac_t.max() t_selector = t_grid[ac_t >= 0.5*ac_max] t_fwhm = dt + (t_selector.max() - t_selector.min()) #---- RMS ac_norm = np.sum(ac_t*dt) t_avg = np.sum(t_grid*ac_t*dt)/ac_norm t_var = np.sum((t_grid - t_avg)**2 * ac_t*dt)/ac_norm t_rms = 2 * t_var**0.5 #---- Equivalent t_eqv = 1/np.sum((ac_t/ac_norm)**2 * dt) #---- Construct Autocorrelation ac = Autocorrelation(t_grid=t_grid, ac_t=ac_t, fwhm=t_fwhm, rms=t_rms, eqv=t_eqv) return ac
[docs] def spectrogram(self, t_fwhm=None, v_range=None, n_t=None, t_range=None): """ Calculate the spectrogram of the pulse through convolution with a Gaussian window. Parameters ---------- t_fwhm : float, optional The full width at half maximum of the Gaussian window. The default derives a fwhm from the bandwidth of the power spectrum. v_range : array_like of float, optional The target range of frequencies to sample. This should be given as (min, max) values. The default takes the full range of `v_grid`. n_t : int or str, optional The number of sampled delays. Setting to "equal" gives the same number of delays as points in `v_grid`. The default samples 4 points per fwhm of the Gaussian window. t_range : array_like of float, optional The range of delays to sample. This should be given as (min, max) values. The default takes the full range of the `t_grid`. Returns ------- v_grid : ndarray of float The frequency grid. t_grid : ndarray of float The time grid. spg : ndarray of float The amplitude of the spectrogram. The first axis corresponds to frequency and the second axis to time. extent : tuple of float A bounding box suitable for use with `matplotlib`'s `imshow` function with the `origin` keyword set to "lower". This reliably centers the pixels on the `v_grid` and `t_grid` coordinates. Notes ----- The resolution in both the time and frequency domains is limited by the time-bandwidth product of the Gaussian window. The full width at half maximum of the Gaussian window should be similar to the full width at half maximum of the pulse in order to evenly distribute resolution bandwidth between the time and frequency domains. """ #---- Resample if v_range is None: n = self.n v_grid = self.v_grid a_t = self.a_t t_grid = self.t_grid dt = self.dt else: v_range = np.asarray(v_range) assert (v_range.min() >= self.v_grid.min()), ( "The minimum frequency cannot be less than the minimum possible frequency.") assert (v_range.max() <= self.v_grid.max()), ( "The maximum frequency cannot be greater than the maximum possible frequency.") v_min_selector = np.argmin(np.abs(self.v_grid - v_range.min())) v_max_selector = np.argmin(np.abs(self.v_grid - v_range.max())) v_grid = self.v_grid[v_min_selector:v_max_selector+1] n = len(v_grid) dt = 1/(n*self.dv) a_v = self.a_v[v_min_selector:v_max_selector+1] a_t = fft.fftshift(fft.ifft(fft.ifftshift(a_v), fsc=dt, overwrite_x=True)) t_grid = dt*(np.arange(n) - (n//2)) #---- Set Gate if t_fwhm is None: v_sigma = 0.5 * self.v_width().rms t_fwhm = np.log(4)**0.5 / (2*pi*v_sigma) g_t = (2**(-(2*t_grid/t_fwhm)**2))**0.5 g_t /= np.sum(np.abs(g_t)**2 * dt)**0.5 g_v = fft.fftshift(fft.fft(fft.ifftshift(g_t), fsc=dt)) #---- Set Delays if t_range is None: t_min, t_max = t_grid.min(), t_grid.max() else: t_range = np.asarray(t_range) assert (t_range.min() >= t_grid.min()), ( "The minimum delay cannot be less than the minimum possible delay.") assert (t_range.max() <= t_grid.max()), ( "The maximum delay cannot be greater than the maximum possible delay.") t_min, t_max = t_range if n_t is None: n_t = int(4*round((t_max - t_min)/t_fwhm)) elif isinstance(n_t, str): assert (n_t in ["equal"]), ( "'{:}' is not a valid string argument for n_t".format(n_t)) n_t = n else: assert isinstance(n_t, (int, np.integer)), "The number of points must be an integer." assert (n_t > 1), "The number of points must be greater than 1." delay_t_grid = np.linspace(t_min, t_max, n_t) delay_dt = (t_max - t_min)/(n_t - 1) gate_pulses_v = (g_v[:, np.newaxis] * np.exp(-1j*2*pi*delay_t_grid[np.newaxis, :]*v_grid[:, np.newaxis])) gate_pulses_t = fft.fftshift(fft.ifft( fft.ifftshift(gate_pulses_v, axis=0), fsc=dt, axis=0, overwrite_x=True), axis=0) #---- Spectrogram spg_t = a_t[:, np.newaxis] * gate_pulses_t spg_v = fft.fftshift(fft.fft( fft.ifftshift(spg_t, axis=0), fsc=dt, axis=0, overwrite_x=True), axis=0) p_spg = spg_v.real**2 + spg_v.imag**2 #---- Extent extent = (delay_t_grid.min()-0.5*delay_dt, delay_t_grid.max()+0.5*delay_dt, v_grid.min()-0.5*self.dv, v_grid.max()+0.5*self.dv) #---- Construct Spectrogram spg = Spectrogram(v_grid=v_grid, t_grid=delay_t_grid, spg=p_spg, extent=extent) return spg
#---- Misc
[docs] def copy(self): """Copy the pulse.""" return super().copy()